Format: F1 Orbital data as a state vectors, index : 1 Project: INT Satellite: ITP Synonimus: ITZ Launch date: 19950803 ----- TAIL PROBE, INTERBALL PROJECT ----- PROJ.launch: 19950803 Inertial coordinate system corresponds to equinox of equator of epoc: J2000 Situation calculation index : 2 Orbit calculation index: 3120300 GPC file name: gemt2.17 Harm. level : 4 Planets perturbation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAA INT/ITZ/01/0078/01/00168/ 250497/100000000/ 75827.84283/86650.42146/111399.1610/ .3712947535/.9734349677/-.111250684/ 5870/ZZ INT/ITZ/01/0079/01/00175/ 220597/100000000/ 84311.54613/117368.9885/98633.85516/ .1369415631/.6786527321/-.448250541/ 5891/ZZ