Format: F1 Orbital data as a state vectors, index : 1 Project: INT Satellite: ITP Synonimus: ITZ Launch date: 19950803 ----- TAIL PROBE, INTERBALL PROJECT ----- PROJ.launch: 19950803 Inertial coordinate system corresponds to equinox of equator of epoc: J2000 Situation calculation index : 2 Orbit calculation index: 3120300 GPC file name: gemt2.17 Harm. level : 4 Planets perturbation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAA INT/ITZ/01/0127/02/00395/ 060999/090000001/ +005529.109/+060587.342/-055527.956/ -0.92806836/-2.19878126/+0.32035470/ ZZ INT/ITZ/01/0128/02/00405/ 131099/090000001/ +062848.680/+155040.025/-032475.423/ -0.47459518/-0.52919699/-0.54031213/ ZZ