Mars Polar Lander Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) Lidar and Mars Microphone Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Deep Space 2 Microprobes Deep Space 2 Microprobes Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Images, Images, Images Current Mission Status & News What We Hope To Learn Our Mission Mars Exploration Comments Or Questions? To Find Your Way Around Mars Polar Lander Mars Polar Lander

Thank You For Your Support!

Email We've Received From The Public

September 30 - October 8, 1999
September 26-29, 1999
September 23-25, 1999

September 30 - October 8, 1999

Subject: Sorry for the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter

I know that the years you all have spent on this project, that this result was a stunning blow.

I know how hard this has probably hit many on you're team, and can only encourage you to keep going forward. Don't look back too long at this, as it makes more sence to look forward, at what is still to come.

Keep up the good work, your team (and Nasa as a whole) is advancing science far beyond what i think most people realize (including the Media). Many of us out here support you, quietly perhaps, and can see past the dollar signs.

I am one of the ones that received a thank you note from JPL for a letter of sympathy I sent in regarding the MCO loss. I appreciated that a thank you was sent. It meant a lot to me to know that my letter was put into the right hands.

I appreciate your time and energy. And please tell the people on the Mars Surveyor project, especially now that the cause of the loss has been ascertained, that we are still behind them. Mistakes happen, and if anyone gives them a hard time, tell them to keep their heads high, and their hearts on the work they love.

Subject: Maybe Not the Best Address...

...but I wanted to write to someone to express my support for the space program. I hope the science lost can be reconstructed in future probes,and that money is appropriated for such probes rather than wasted on metrication programs!!

Subject: Mars Climate Orbiter

Please forward my sympathy to the hard working team that is involved with the Mars Climate Orbiter. I have been following NASA's Mars missions through the press and was disappointed to hear about the loss. However, keep up the great work because it is very important to humanity to know where we stand in the universe. I think it is absolutely incredible that humans actually have the technology to get a robot off this planet and send it to Mars. I think there has to be an acceptable rate of loss for projects like this. I think you are doing a great job.

This proves that you are human beings, and humans make mistakes some of the time. We are still proud of you people and the efforts you go to are impressive. Keep up the good work and write this one off to experience. We are fortunate that the trip was made without humans aboard. I follow your progress with great anticipation of many successful flights in the near future.


This is a tragic loss. I'm so sorry to hear of it, especially since the error was so apparent. I'm a Physics major at San Diego State University and throughout all of my classes metric is the norm. I'm minoring in math and not one math class uses English. Actually English to me seems really outdated since every science I've been in Junior High School we've always used metric. The only place I've seen English used consecutively is in American architecture.

I just know how hard you guys work and how there is a big life investment in a project like this. I share your pain when something like this happens.

Subject: It's Not the First Time!

An Air Canada 767 had both engines flame out at altitude because of metric conversion simple ran out of fuel. Fortunately it glided to a safe landing on an abandoned air field. Air Canada is still flying, and so must you!

Subject: Mars Climate Orbiter..

Dear NASA!

I follow many of your projects with deep interest since I am very interested in space travel. The Mars program which started with Pathfinder has taken much time from my studies :) I was quite sad when I read about the loss of MCO. It reminded me of my math teacher in 4th grade when she said (or shouted) 'UNITS... UNITS You've got to have the right units'... But anyone can make a misstake, and if you can learn from one, then you have one more experience.

I hope this won't delay the project too much. I will keep on looking at your site as I do every day...

The best of luck in the future!

Subject: My condolences

I would just like to give my condolences on your lost satellite. I know it's a great loss for you. But as a taxpayer I will constantly support all endeavors of NASA. Your success much outweighs your tragedies, and no one can have a perfect record. My hats off to you in your constant endeavor to reach beyond our imagination.

Subject: mars

Mr. Goldin is right as a taxpayer you can't succeed without failure @ times.

hang in there!

Subject: Keep up the good work!


you guys do a great job. Don't let a little setback get in the way.

Subject: Keep exploring

From a supporter from the midwest, please keep up the good work. I look to the stars every night, I live for the pictures and stories from the probes. Despite the recent problems, keep the missions flying. Thank you.

Subject: The Loss of Mars Climate Orbiter

Please do forward this e-mail to the Mars Climate Orbiter mission team, Thanks!

I am one of the ambassadors for the JPL Solar System Ambassador Program (SSAP) and have followed up on the Surveyor '98 mission with a great deal of interest since 1997.

I was saddened about the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO). I was so looking forward to the arrival of MCO at Mars and followed up on the various events leading to the arrival via the Surveyor '98 webpage. I was at my office the night before the arrival to use my computer to track the spacecraft as it neared Mars prior to arriving at around 2AM MST. Before I left my office at around 11:15PM, MCO was about 40,000 km from Mars, and everything seemed fine. I returned to my office the following morning and was shocked to hear about the loss of MCO. No words can explain how I felt, for I was so excited about MCO, as well as Mars Polar Lander (MPL), and their mission to Mars. I would like to extend my condolences to all of you, the mission team. I can imagine how difficult it must be for all of you, but please do not give up! We still have the MPL, and there is still hope for its successful arrival and mission. And, hopefully, we will have another spacecraft similar to MCO that will travel to Mars to carry its exciting scientific mission in the future.

Please keep the faith, especially for MPL. I do wish all of you the best of luck throughout the rest of MPL's flight to Mars. I deeply hope that the arrival will be a real success! I will be supporting all of you every step of the way!! By the way, I plan to be in Pasadena, CA to celebrate the arrival of MPL with everyone else (i.e., JPL and Planetfest '99 people)!

Subject: Loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter

Just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to hear about the loss.

I am a strong believer in the NASA program and will continue to support your efforts for MARS.

I hope to see people walking on Mars in my lifetime.

Keep going. We all learn from our mistakes.

Look at all the successes that NASA and JPL has.

The news unfortunately tends to forget this.

Am looking forward to the Mars landing in December.

Subject: loss of Mars Climate Orbiter

My 6th grade class would like to send their sympathy at the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, they realize that you have put your lives into this mission and how sad you must all be. We will be looking forward to the success of the Polar Lander in December.

Best Wishes

Damn, sorry to hear about your loss.

Subject: Message from the People....

Alot of have followed the MCO from it's launch, alot of us are just normal everyday space enthusiasts.

It was a great disappointment to hear of its loss, it must be infininately more painful for the many people who are behind the project.

But failure is part of the learning process, it is fundamental to human endeavour and those that have rebounded from it have learned from it, built on it, and have gone on to extend our frontiers as a species.

Do not lose perspective, focus on understanding of the failure, learn, move forward.

Subject: Dont give up

Dont give up!

Subject: spacecraft lost

Please do not be dissuaded by the apparent loss of the Mars orbiter. You, at NASA, have been given the privilege to take mankind where it should be going. This place is space. No other venture can save us from ourselves. The people of Y3K depend on your success. Thank you sincerely for all the good you have done for all of us.

Subject: Condolences

In light of the recent news of the likely crash of the Mars Climate Orbiter, I wish to send my condolences to the Mars Climate Orbiter team.

It is a great loss to science. My best wishes to you all.

   Old men ought to be explorers
   Here or there does not matter
   We must be still and still moving
   Into another intensity
   For a further union, a deeper communion
   Through the dark cold and the empty desolation,
   The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters
   Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my

   T S Eliot "East Coker"

Please forward this email to the team, if you can.

I think the mco is gone. In all likelihood, aliens took it away. because they like mars the way it is. I'm just kidding. I think your doing a great job and cruel fate has just destroyed many years of your work as well as thousands of other people's

We lost it forever. I will mourn the loss as does a mother mourn a new born babies death; The MCO developed so beautifully and then, at the climax, was unable to pull through the ardous labor process. We will never know how beautiful it could have been, since it never even had the chance to come to fruition.

I am very sorry. I hope that my future efforts to explore mars will never suffer the same fate as yours.

God bless.

Subject: Mars Orbiter

Please pass on to the Mars Climate Orbiter Team that we are hoping for the best right along with them.

Subject: Climate orbiter............

You guys are doing a great job exploring the solar system don't let a mistake like this stop you.

Subject: Condolences

What is hardest for us is knowing that it is something which occured here on the ground which was responsible for this mission loss. Whatever lessons are to be learned, we will learn them and put them to use so that our future missions do succeed.

As a builder of robots and software systems, such lessons are the most painful to learn, for me. On the bright side, ( bad astronomical pun), Chandra is doing exceedingly well, and shattering dozens of theories and preconceptions. Cassini / Huygens will be doing great science, and seems to be in good health. Take heart. America is tremendously proud of you. You are our explorers, taking us to places humans can never go.

Here is a true story.

While working with an aerospace company, I was involved with the design of sensors for Jet Engines used for Boeing 767. A Canadian 767 brand new Aircraft was refueled in USA. Mid way in the flight they literary ran out of fuel. Fortunately, due to the smartness of the pilots, control towers etc. the aircraft was glided for about 60 miles to an abandoned 2nd world war airstrip. Landing gear collapsed, brakes were on fire and the drag race drivers on the strip used their fire extinguishers to put off the fire. No life was lost.

The reason for no fuel: Canadians used metric system and fuel requested was meant to be in Kgs, American ground crews gave them in pounds.

Having studied everything in Metric and used the system thousands of times, I have come across many serious errors made by my fellow US technical persons. I can understand how this happens.

Please keep us the good work.

With very best of wishes.

Keep up the good work. A lot of us out here are rooting for you and praying for you guys at JPL, and NASA, and HSC, and the Cape, and MSSS, et. al. Keep pushing the envelope. We're proud of you!

Subject: Condolences

Please accept my late yet heartfelt condolences for the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter. You are involved in a risky business, and have to take your risks under the scrutiny of the whole world. I consider my tax dollars well spent when they go to NASA. Too bad I can't designate the whole check to go to you guys!

Keep up the good work. The nation is behind you.

I know we aren't supposed to reply to these emails, but please be advised that the thoughts and best wishes of the Australian Space Community are with you at this disappointing time. But through adversity comes success and we look forward to Mars Polar Lander and to JPL's continuing series of Mars exploration missions.

Dear Sir:

I'm very sad to know that the MCO is lost. It's a very sad ending for such a promising mission. Very sad.... Condolence..

I am saddened by, and do feel your loss.....there are, no doubt, lessons to be learned, and as long as we learn and expand on those lessons, then this mission will not be a will only enhance our chances of success in the future....I appreciate what you all do, and am proud that my tax dollars are in some small way assisting you in the fine work that you all do...

Subject: Nothing worth doing is easy.

Dear Mars Climate Orbiter Team;

I'm Australian and one of the things I really admire about the US is it's space program. We Ozzies gave up on space long ago, more's the pity, but I've always thought that the US has done a great job maintaining it's basic space science program. When they look back at the 20th century they'll remember that this is when we took our first steps into the universe and you guys are the ones doing it. So I'm sorry you lost the MCO but don't despair. Columbus lost a ship or two but do we remember that, no. And that greatest of navigators and mapper of my homeland, James Cook, grounded his ship the Endeavour on the Barrier Reef. But he got it off and kept on going. So keep on going and make Polar Lander a success.

I look forward to future missions on this long road of discovery.

Subject: Loss of Orbiter

Just a few words to tell you that NASA a JPL have many many supporters , not only in USA but in the whole world . There have been losses in the past and there will be in the future , nobody is saying that space exploration is easy task . But you are doing a fantastic job . Keep trying because you have in your hands not only the future of space exploration but future of mankind

Sorry about the crash. I'm looking forward to results from the Polar Lander in December. You've got my support. Let's see what is out there in space!

Subject: Loss of Mars Climate Orbiter...

Just another note on the loss of the MCO...

I'm sure I'm one of thousands who is also saddened by the loss of the MCO. I always look forward to these events with great anticipation, but nevertheless, events such as these do happen.

I can't begin to imagine the disappointment that most of you felt, simply because you worked so closely, and so hard on this project.

Nevertheless, each and every one of you has contributed greatly to pushing forward Mankind's conquest of Space.

Thank you very much. Keep up the good work!

Subject: Support for Mars exploration - don't blame yourselfs!

Hi there,

I don't know if anyone will read this, but I just read some news that things are "on edge" down at JPL. Just emailing you to say, I'm proud that my tax money is going to causes such as these. It may have been such a stupid mistake for so much cost, but, think of the lessons learned - think of the future of space exploration. Keep on making the best of it!

Subject: Mars Web Site

Congratulations for the quality and the form of the information.

Subject: The tragic end of MCO: viewpoint

The loss of MCO was a terrible and avoidable one. With the success of MGS and Pathfinder, we have taken it for granted that the brilliant engineering corps running these missions are infallible, but they are unfortunately not. When a mistake is made by humans, that can usually be forgiven, as this one must, and we press on with renewed hope to the next opportunity. But the error here was apparently a simple one. A head-poundingly simple one. So much effort was devoted to the preparation for MOI, and all the little details associated with that, but in the process, a basic systemic failure was overlooked. The necessary check and balance analysis did not happen in this particular case. The contrite nature of the press release indicates this problem was within the control of the mission organization and simply should not have happened. So, while forgivable, this error will be difficult to forget.

I would hope that this expensive, tragic lesson motivates some introspection on the parts of NASA and JPL as to how their respective organizations and branches within them work cooperatively to deliver science returns. Having said that, I would also like to express my own admiration for the recent work of both NASA and JPL which has been nothing short of brilliant. The trail they are presently blazing will be marked permanently on the map of human history.

I'm really so sorry for this "small" mistake! I recall having read about something similar happening some years ago during an airline flight in Canada, when the people in charge of fueling the plane miscalculated the quantity of fuel in the tanks. Because of a problem in a fuel gauge instrument, the quantity of fuel supplied was measured by the simple method of introducing a marked rod to measure the depth of the fuel in the tank. After about three hours of flight, the engines suddenly stopped and the plane had to make an emergency landing in an old landing strip which was at the moment being used as an auto race track!! Not only was the flight authorized with the bad instrument (big enough mistake), but the technicians confused the measuring units because Canada had recently changed from feet and inches to meters and centimeters as a measuring system!!

Again, I'm sorry. People do make mistakes, of course, once in a while. I hope this doesn't carry more difficulties to the efforts NASA makes for the continuing in Space exploration.

Keep up the great work and just GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It seems so small to have to point fingers at each other , when you know you should be pointing at the Stars. You ALL have done a great job and I know you will continue to make your country proud by your continueing achivements.

ONCE AGAIN-----------keep advancing in this wonderful program---------- You guys are great.

September 26-29, 1999

Subject: MARS` 98 MISSIONS


Subject: Regrets

To whom it may concern,

Please share my regrets for the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter with the MCO team. It was a terrible loss. Hopefully, lessons can be learned to prevent a similar loss in the future. I have been thrilled by the marvelous successes of NASA's Mars exploration program. I hope that this loss can be understood and folks can move on to make the next mission a success. Space is a dangerous and uncertain place. There are bound to be setbacks among the successes. Keep up the good work and keep faith.

Subject: Find the Mars Climate Orbiter

Find the Mars Climate Orbiter. Americans do not give up so easily.

And if you can't find it -- launch another one. This is a worthwhile project.

Subject: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

   Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of
   a wealthy family.  The family was rude and refused to let the
   angels stay in the mansion's guest room.  Instead the angels were given a
   small space in the cold basement.  As they made their bed on the
   hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.
   When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,
   "Things aren't always what they seem."

   The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very
   poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.  After sharing
   what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their
   bed  where they could have a good night's rest.
   When the sun came up the next morning
   the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.  Their only
   cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.
   The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could
   you have let this happen?
   The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused.
   The second family had little but was willing to share
   everything, and you let the cow die.  "Things aren't always what they
   the older angel replied.

   "When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there
   was gold stored in that hole in the wall.  Since the owner was
   so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune,
   I sealed the wall so he wouldn't find it."

   "Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the
   angel of death came for his wife.  I gave him the cow instead.
   Things aren't always what they seem."

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time later...

Hi NASA People!!

I just wanted to say that me and my family were sadden at the loss of the Mars Orbiter. We know alot of hard work went into the Orbiter project.

There is much enjoyment in being able to interact with the NASA Crew, and relish in your accomplishments.

Subject: Sorry about loss of Mars Climate Orbiter...

So sorry to hear about the failure of the Climate Orbiter, but your many, many successes on such a shoestring budget should be of comfort in this difficult time. I am a member of the Planetary Society and have been a NASA fan since the sixties, when I sat glued to my TV to watch the space program blossom. I have enormous faith in NASA, JPL, and all the Mars missions, and I know that your other projects will more than make up for this one glitch. At our house, all our hopes and prayers go with you as you carry us vicariously to the stars. Thanks for all your hard work, too!

Subject: MCO

I too just wanted to add my sentiments of support for the superlative job that NASA has and will continue to do!!!!

The day we all knew that the MCO was lost was almost as crushing to me as I'm sure it was to everyone of you. I've followed the progress of your little craft from the time it was being prepared for launch at KSC. It was fantastic to be able to log onto your site everyday and take the journey to Mars along with it. This one got away, but I'm sure that bigger triumphs will follow. We all know that our future lies out with the stars and you and your colleagues are going to be the ones who guide us there!!!

Don't lose the faith!! We're all out here suppoting you through both success and failure!

Now let's get on with the fun!!!

Subject: It was once said...

Wasn't it Kennedy that said something to the effect, "We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard!"

Keep at it. Learn from the setbacks. Make the next one that much better. The media....well, they're the media. The public is truly behind you. Hey! It's my money and I say, "keep going!"

Subject: mars climate orbiter

I am sincerely sorry to hear about the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, a mission I have followed since launch day. However, I believe your own web site put it best when it stated, "This is not science lost, but science delayed." Some losses are to be expected when one is exploring a great and mysterious frontier. Do not be frustrated with this loss, but look ahead at the new discoveries to come. You've still got a perfectly good spacecraft arriving at Mars in only two months, and it will provide a wealth of data. Listen to the CNN poll, and keep the missions coming!

Subject: Great Effort

To all on and about the Mars Surveyor team,

As an engineer I appreciate the loss. A project of this magnitude is extremely complex - analogous to an orchestra whose band members fill a football stadium and must all play the notes exactly, correctly. The fine balance is lost not by the performance, but the fly in the french horn, red section, 30th row, seat R23. Unforseen events cannot ever totally be prevented. Never.

To those nay-sayers who think everything works because its "supposed to", ask them if they ever caught a cold. Well, they are aware that germs are everywhere and should have taken the proper precautions...

Keep up the great work.

Subject: Condolences on loss of Climate Orbiter

To all the folks who worked so hard on the Mars Climate Orbiter, the television cameras showed the way you felt when our spacecraft failed to respond. My heart goes out to you.

This space program is a team effort -- most Americans sit in the stands and cheer (or occasionally boo) -- we are the boosters, the fans, the ones who help put the team on the field. You folks are the ones who go to practice and put it on the line at game time. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but you're still our team and we're very proud of you.

You're handling this like the professionals we know you are, and we're looking forward to seeing you plant that Polar Lander! You folks are the very best in the world, and we're glad to have you. Don't ever think otherwise.

Subject: lost orbiter

Never mind, you guys are the leaders in exploration, anyone who thinks this game is easy is a moron. Good luck, KEEP GOING !!!

Subject: MCO loss

Sincere condolences on the loss of the Climate Orbiter. It must be a bitter blow to the team.

I am a citizen of the UK and I have long admired the US space programme, right from the early Mercury days, through the Apollo missions to the more recent and equally spectacular unmanned missions such as Voyager and Gallileo. I never cease to be astonished by the technical expertise and sheer inventiveness of the people at NASA and JPL and by the mass of superb science data returned by your efforts. It speaks well for your country that you continue to invest in an activity which is of such benefit to all of us. I have many colleagues in the UK and in other European countries who feel the same way.

Exploration is always risky and accidents happen. They will continue to happen. Just remember that you are not just doing this for yourselves or even the US but for all of us around the world who bother to look up at the sky at night and who can't join in directly.

Keep going and the best of luck to you all.

I would also like to express my sadness at the loss of MCO, however we've been brilliantly successful over the last couple of years, so unfortunately it was bound to happen eventually. But as so many have said it's only a setback. MGS is performing brilliantly, MPL is still on course and the 2001 probes are taking shape.

Godspeed JPL!

Subject: Loss of MCO

Dear team,

I was shocked and saddened to learn of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter. I check the web site almost every day, and have been following the Mars missions since before the Pathfinder mission landed. Indeed, my interest in space goes back to my childhood in the '50s when I watched "Captain Video" and "Tom Corbett, Space Cadet" and "Buck Rogers", and was a member of the "Science Fiction Book Club". After I got over grieving for the loss (I felt like I had lost a good friend), I wrote to my Congressmen and both Senators from Virginia.

My youngest son is currently a sophomore at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and has a desire to become an astronaut, or at least a "rocket scientist" in the space program. He says he wants to go to Mars.

May God bless all of you as you continue your work. Don't lose heart.

Subject: Sorry to hear about the MCO


Working in the space industry I understand it is an unforgiving enviroment. lets hope the people who hold the purse strings are a little more so. What you have acheived is beyond imagination.......... Whats to come is still imagination, yours!

All the best with the Polar lander and beyond.

Good work!

Subject: To the MCO team


May I offer my deepest condolences on the loss of the MCO. Setbacks are bound to happen and that's just part of the game. These are really exciting times for the human race, and space exploration. and we owe it all to NASA./JPL and everyone associated with the Space program.

All my best wishes for the MPL, My 18 month old sons name is on that CD with the MPL. It's my sincerest hope that one day my son will join the NASA/JPL team.

Keep up the fantastic work!!

Subject: Keep going!!

To all the people on the Mars Climate Orbiter team, let me offer condolances, but also encouragement. You do _fantastic_ work at JPL! I know many, many Canadians who are more than enthusiastic about the Mars program. (As a software developer I am in awe of what you guys do!)

Must be tough to face all the media frenzy, the negative comments. But hang in there! We love you! Get that Polar Explorer on the ground! Keep it up!!


A Canadian fan

I am very sorry to hear the loss of this marvelous machine. Don't be discouraged due to such failures. Only those who try may fail once in a while. I am looking forwars to more missions.

Subject: absolute delight

I am sorry to hear your machine has landed on Mars, but.... it is a machine. Build another one and lets go ...and by the way, make sure ya'll don't put the Polar Lander in orbit, ok?? good luck on the next mission and I am going to be here watching, just like I watched Armstrong land on the Moon.

Exploration forever

You men & women are the greatest. If 16th & 17th century exploration felt the same as the American congress and the other 30% of the American people, the world would still end at the Med Sea.

Don't know it this will get read, but here goes. Continue to explore the universe... No change of personnel. Educate the people who don't understand that failure is part of exploration... Otherwise how would you know what not to do...?

Of course continue but where's Kennedy's spirit. Its deep space out there, lets crack it. I'll go, many would. Morale must be really low after this error in code reading but its like audio feedback to a seasoned audio vet. It Happens........there are more than one set of eyes on these things. Perhaps a communication sive is what is needed to sift the Nav details through so someone can catch the errors. Please fix up the problem and have some comradery between you all.

I for one am so proud of you people for even finding your way this far. I view this as a worldly failure. It took many kinds of people to get this effort to where it is today, even those who may have just overlooked something. It is a small drop in the bucket compared to the volume still unfound. There will be other mistakes. If I may inspire you all in the program, think about an older musician like me who has never really made it but I keep the faith and still play and write songs and will never stop no matter how many times the trends are looking down. Keep the faith and find more positive flow in the people factor. Get to Mars Tones Wrote: "Rock On you space type guys" and gals of course.

What we are all looking towards is the Polar Lander. You should all be busy determining how to make this mission a success without the MCO. That will be a story.

Yes, we must find out what caused the MCO mission to end.

But it's time to move-on and salvage the MPL mission.

There are some many of us who were heartbroken (and I can't imagine what the project team feels like).

Failure is part of success.

One of many supporters...

Of course you have to continue ! No need to ask !

Subject: NASA Should Continue Its Planned Mars Missions

I was on of those voting that the Mars program must continue.

It is tough, but next time there should be a second team checking the data and doing simulations to make sure the first team has not over looked any thing.

By all means continue, but get it together, OK. We expect professional results. Stop misplacing hardware. You people at NASA are heroes.

My tax money says get another one up ASAP.

Good luck!!!

hang in there guys. NASA and JPL gets so much flak from people whenever they screw something up or there is a problem with a misson. When Mars Polar Surveyor Lands, they'll be in awe of the pictures, its going to return. Remember Pathfinder? Barancle Bill is a house hold name!!!

Good Luck & You Have My Support

I was driving in my car, when I heard the first message that MCO is believed to be lost. As I followed the MCO mission since the beginning, I was very sad. At home CNN Text confirmed the message and at the next morning I received your mail....

Nevertheless, please, don't stop exploring! If we would have stopped exploring the world after we lost the first sailship in a storm, we still would think the earth is flat!

I wish you all the best for the upcoming critical part of the MPL mission.

Subject: An opinion of a fellow

Yes, you must continue the Planned Mars Missions. I am living for that since I am 10... So, for me, all those missions are very important. And not only to Mars, but to all our solar system. And our Earth !

My heart goes out to all involved in Mars 98 and the Climate Orbiter. But, don't dispair. Keep on exploring for humanity!

September 23-25, 1999

I am sorry to hear the bad news.

I just wanted to pass along my good thoughts to the people at JPL who worked so hard on the MCO mission. It may look difficult today, but from this experience, I think you all will face far greater triumphs in the future. In my opinion, you are all doing God's work. Keep your chins up and know there are people out there who wish you well.

I'm really sorry to here that MCO is definetly lost. I still kept some hope but I guess that the law of physics supercedes the law of economics.

I want to say that you did a fantastic job and I hope that you will keep on getting us informed.

Yesterday was a day of mourning for me, but today, I focus my mind on the Polar Lander.

I was astounded to hear this news. I have been reading all the reports with great attention and interest and have had a great sense of anticipation. I know that you are not as blase about this event as the press releases would make out. I am very much in favor of lots of small missions to Mars (and the rest of the solar system, too!) I think we should send a mission with 100 little Surveyors and have them dropped willy- nilly all over the planet. If even 1/4 of them survived, we would get some Spectacular pictures and information. That way we wouldn't have to be so careful to find a smooth flat place--it could just bounce around until it came to a resting place, make itself upright and burst its little "bubble". You have my sympathy. I have a knot in my stomach, too. A cruel blow....

I am so sorry that you and the country have suffered this loss. I can barely imagine the grief that all the people working on this project must feel.

Please do not be disheartened by the media's playing up the amount of money put into this failed project.

I'm looking forward to the news upcoming on the probe and will continue to love and respect NASA's projects to Mars and outerspace in general.

Grief and sadness.

How truly sad for you all and all of us. What an exciting adventure you have made this for me. And to know that, in spite of some trouble, (out of which only God knows what great things you will learn) the adventure is JUST BEGINNING is wonderful!!!!!!!!! No reasonable person could ever expect that such misadventures will happen. For crying out have gotten that close in this small part of the big Mars picture is astonishing in itself. Well Done All. Keep up the magnificent work that you are doing. Hell, you might just find the damn thing if you don't get too discouraged.

Thank you for your dispatch re the loss of the Orbiter. Though we are disappointed, yet our faith in NASA is not shaken. We know that you will try again and we shall all celebrate success one day. The members of my family join me in supporting the very interesting inter-space programs that you have been called upon to execute. Keep up the good work we are with you.

There are no mistakes ...Just more lessons to be learned ... Best wishes for the splended work all of you do every day.

From a Merchant Seaman

Keep on going in every dificulty, there is a good thing to learn

keep on going with your efforts and courage

may you be wise as an old man and simple like a child


Let me state one thing, Ladies & Gentlemen:

If the history of the US, nay the world; could be as successful as our space program has been, we'd still be living in the Garden of Eden.

I, for one, am proud of each and every one of you--from the person who first thought of the first design to the person who sweeps the floors over there.

GO GET'M!!!!

i'm so sorry for your loss. please believe my expressions of sympathy and compassion.

It is a sad day for the Mars exploration effort. A setback like this is will be very costly in the PR area. I have been following the Mars effort closely.

I just finished reading "Mars Direct" by Robert Zubrin. Perhaps a manned mission would be a good idea. With a crew on board, in-flight problems could be dealt with and resolved immediately. Who would take the risk? I expect that you would have thousands if not millions of applicants worldwide. Many are like myself, with an aviation background, not scientists but intensely interested in space exploration and expanding the reach of the human race. Many including myself, are successful businessmen and women, and are willing to give it up for a chance to enhance the reach and knowledge of the rest of society.

Never give up!

As an avid supporter and interested follower of the Mars exploration project I am saddened by the unexpected loss of MCO. Thanks to your regular updates on the mission I feel as though I have lost a close friend. My best regards go out to the scientists and staff at JPL-NASA for their contunuing efforts at expanding our knowledge of the solar system.

I am very excited about the Mars Exploration Initiative and hope that this is only a speedbump.

My deepest sympathies on the loss of the MCO. I know this must be devastating for everyone who invested so much of themselves into the project.

As Mr. Goldin said, this is not science lost, only science delayed. I am eagerly following the progress of the MPL, and looking forward to the continuing series of Mars missions from NASA and JPL.

As one who has dreamed of space since childhood, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the work you are doing and the wealth of information you make available to the general public through your websites and mailing lists.

Dear Climate Orbiter team,

Please allow me this opportunity to add my voice to the chorus of NASA supporters who are sending sincere condolences for the loss of the Orbiter. "Condolence" is an odd term to use, perhaps, but the loss of the MCO is analogous to the loss of a friend or family member - I was terribly excited both for the JPL team and NASA at the prospect of having a satellite monitoring the strange and vastly interesting Martian climate. It pains me to think of the science we've lost.

I trust that our Congress will have the foresight to maintain NASA's current levels of funding, and I look forward to the day when MCO 2 can be launched.

Best of luck with the Polar Lander, and remember to keep the faith.

Like many others around the world I have followed the progress of this mission with great interest and was shocked to learn of the sudden and unexpected loss of the orbiter. I would like to extend my sympathy to you and the other JPL staff who worked so hard on this project.


Just a note to add my condolences to the many others that you all must be getting. So very many years of devoted hard work -- and all for naught. But, no, not really. You've learned something I'm sure and the next climate orbiter type will have a better chance of succeeding.

Good luck to you all - mankind needs space to survive.

I just wanted to let you know that whatever the outcome of the Climate Orbiter mission you have our faith in your abilities and I know we will all look in wonderment at the results of future missions to Mars. Thank you for being brave enough to even take such fantastic projects on !

The future is out there.

A space dreamer


You guys do some excellent work. Let the recent glitch not trouble your dreams. Best wishes, and continue the great work you are doing.

"The day isnt far when Man will set foot on Mars"

Subject: You're still successful...

To the Mars Team:

just having done what you did makes your efforts successful.....

good luck on the next try!

Subject: VERY sorry ... but

I am very sorry to hear the bad news about the probable loss of the climate orbiter..
If you are looking for a volunteer for a manned mission to Mars, call me! I am still ready to help out !

As you and i both know, this type of thing, the destruction of the Mars Orbiter, brings on criticism of your operation. Please know that this tax payer is behind you. Drive on

Subject: Lost :(

The loss of the Climate Orbiter is very disappointing. As a amateur space enthusiast and NASA and JPL fan, I am saddened and disappointed by the loss. I keep up with the Mars program by visiting the web site periodically and I enjoy downloading the latest imagery from Mars. I know all of the NASA and JPL employees and program managers are sickened by this loss and my heart goes out to you.

I look forward to the Polar Lander mission and wish that mission complete success.

Subject: Sorry

Looks like tough times.

Reading between the lines, tee, ....... it's lost. From myself and my students, who have followed you fellows ... sorry to hear the news. Put it behind you - December 3rd is still to come.

We know that this will cause problems, but hang in there....... nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Subject: Mars observer sad loss

How many ships were lost discovering the New World? Just keep doing it!!!!

Subject: Take Heart


I am a retired Coastguardsmen and now full time student at the University of Southern Maine. I wish to express my sincere regret on the Mars Surveyor probe.

I can tell you that I personally have the greatest respect for your endeavors. I also have the greatest faith in your abilities. You stand tall to the shadows of those who came before and placed a man on the moon.

I am a true believer that we were not put on this earth to just stay here. Man has always been, and will always be, an explorer. I may never get to walk the red dunes of Mars, but through your trailblazing efforts, maybe my great grandchildren will.

We have only one direction to go from here, and that is up! Take heart and I know you will not only persevere, but succeed.

Subject: Climate Orbiter Condolences

Please relay our condolences to the entire Mars Climate Orbiter team. As crushed as they must be right now, we've no doubt that greater things lie ahead for all involved.

Our support for and confidence in the space program continues unabated.

Just know that we're always in your corner. Better days ahead for all,

i just read about mars climate probe.sorry to hear that it`s gone.anyway,keep on exploring.i`ll be checking back on a regular basis at the home page....i`ve been looking for new news about mars. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!

Subject: Well Hell... tried your best. I'm still sending my tax dollars your way. Keep plugging. I'm behind you all.


Subject: so sorry

dear explorers,

please accept my condolences for the recent loss of your ship. i know how important the work u do is to the expansion of human knowledge.

perhaps congress should understand that deep space is a very dangerous place and close earth orbital technologies may not work.

at her trial, joan d'arc the patron of france was asked why she continued ... she said ... the bells spoke to her .. then they asked .. "what did they say"... she replied

"be brave .. go on"

so i say to u .. be brave go on ..

not all the american people are horoscope reading rock worshiping neophytes ....

continue as u have begun ..

bring a small light to our vast darkness!

I dont have a question, but I just wanted to tell you what I think about this stuff. For me, the exploration of Mars is the most exciting thing that I have lived through. (I am 18 and did not live through the moon race.) I think that NASA and JPL, are doing the best they can, keep up the good work. By the way, sorry about your Climate Observer. Shit happens I guess. This stuff is great, I wish the government would give more money to NASA, so we could actually GO to Mars. Just wanted to tell you guys how I feel,

Subject: Condolences

So sorry for the loss of Mars Climate Orbiter. Don't give up on Mars projects, we are behind you.

Subject: Hang in there

I'm sick about the probe, and I know all of you are also. Everyone knows that you did your best.

We are truly the greatest country in history, and you guys are a big part of that legacy. We will get there next time.

Subject: Loss of MCO

To all at JPL,

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter probe.

Best wishes and better luck for the coming polar landing.

Subject: Climate Orbiter

In spite of the loss of our Mars Climate Orbiter, NASA and JPL continue to make me extremely proud to be an American.

sirs &/or madams,

as a taxpayer may i say that yall are doing an outstanding job,and keep it up despite setbax.ya'll put a man on the moon on my 7 th b-day! thank you !hah-hah:)

seriously another learning xperience. keep up the good work.

Subject: For the MCO Team-Condolences

Hi MCO Folks:

Sharing your sorrow over the loss of your vehicle. I've been watching the progress with great hope, a very sad day for Mars science.

Subject: Condolences on the loss

Please pass this to the appropriate operations and technical crew....

Please accept my condolences for the loss of the mission. I know how it feels - I was the lead technical advisor for attitude and propulsion operations for the MILSTAR DFS-3 launch that went into the dumper in April. I know the work involved in these sorts of things, and how it feels to lose it.

Subject: Sad news

I was very sorry to hear of the loss of the Climate Orbiter. It must be a terrible blow to the Orbiter team - but the exploration should continue.

Good luck with the next mission, and all future missions!

Subject: mars climate orbiter

please forward these comments to the MCO team:

I just wanted to give my support and thanks to the MCO engineers and scientists. Its a tough break, but we all knew the risks and rewards of a project like this. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the good science and learning that came as a result of this project. The inevitable setbacks are just a part of the game. Thanks for putting it all on the line for us!

Subject: "my condolences; keep on exploring!"

My heading says it all, but I add that all JPL staff take time to isssue a joint statement reminding people, in effect, that humanity desires exploration; desires to have its curiosity quenched; and that risks involved in exploration will NEVER disappear. Thanks.

Subject: Loss of Climate Orbiter

Mars Team,

I feel for your loss of the orbiter. Try to remember all the good things you've accomplished. NASA is doing a great job. You're in a high risk business and these things happen. Fix it, but don't dwell too much.

Drive on! You haven't lost my support.

Subject: Warm wishes...


Just wanted to wish the team luck on the second mission (Polar Lander). Mistakes are bound to happen.....keep "plugging away" we are all behind you!!!


Subject: Don't be discouraged!

Hey, orbital insertions are not the easiest thing to do when you're millions of miles away. Don't sweat it. You'll get the next one. Keep the missions going!

Subject: Keep up the good works.

I have been looking at Mars in the night sky since I was a sci-fi geek as a junior high kid in the 60's. Recently I've been turned on by the Orbitor missions. Despite the failure of the recent mission, I am not discouraged. Please keep up the good work and continue to inspire all us here in the midwest. As always, I will dream on here in Iowa.


I was stunned when I first heard the Mars Climate orbiter was lost. I have followed the mission for quite some time and was so surprised. I will follow the Polar Lander progress now. Keep up the good work. I enjoy following NASA missions.

I would like to extend to all of the people who work on the Mars Climate Orbiter project my deepest sympathy on its loss. I know that you must be devastated after all the hard work, the waiting, and the anticipation of what you would discover when it finally reached its mark.

Please remember, in this day and age of scientific politics, media hype, and finger pointing, that things sometimes simply go wrong. I hope that people will be smarter than to try to place blame, but if they do, stay strong. The history books are full of stories about important discoveries and the problems that were incurred along the way. That is the process of science.

If you are discouraged, don't give up. What you are doing is important. Keep trying, and know that there are many people who are behind you, and who grieve this loss as well. I think that I speak for all of them when I say to you that we look forward to the next mission.

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