Here is an all text version of this page



News from Sojourner | About the Rover | Other Mars Links

NASA-TV Schedule for 1 July - 17 July (STS-94 Shuttle mission and Mars Pathfinder Briefings and events)!

Who named the rover?

Rover Telecommunications (HIGH GRAPHICS VERSION) - how does it work? (Also included: movies of the Rover...)
Rover Telecommunications (TEXT ONLY VERSION)

What does the Rover look like in 3-D? VRML models and animations galore!

Subscribe to the Mars Pathfinder Mission Status mailing list! Or, if you just need a list of Mars Pathfinder Mission Status reports...

If you have any questions about this site, please contact one of the team members below:

If you have any technical questions or suggestions about this site, please contact:

Congratulations! The Sojourner Rover has been selected
as "The Cool Robot Of The Week" for December 2-8, 1996.

The honor of being listed as "Cool Robot Of The Week" is bestowed upon those robotics-related web sites which portray highly innovative solutions to robotics problems, describe unique approaches to implementing robotics system, or present exciting interfaces for the dissemination of robotics-related information or promoting robotics technology. This award carries absolutely no monetary value, official recognition, assumed support, or tangible benefit, other than swamping your web site with a few dozen extra hits for a week. But everyone else was putting up their "Cool Site Of The Millenia" lists, so we figured it was our turn too...

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
(818) 354-5011

All information on this site, including text and images describing the Rover is copyright © 1996, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

This document was last updated on: 8 July 1997