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"Two bizarre sources mimicking GRBs in the Swift sample: an evolved magnetars/ultrashort XRBs and a possible tidal disruption flare"

Alberto J. Castro-Tirado (Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA-CSIC), Granada, Spain)



I will show the observational facts regarding  SWIFT J1955+2614 (GRB070610) and SWIFT J1644+27 (GRB100328), two bizarre sources mimicking classical GRBs in the Swift sample, that have been interpreted as an evolved magnetars/ultrashort XRB in the Milky Way and as a possible tidal disruption flare respectively in a starforming galaxy at 920 Mpc. The rarity of these events (once every decade or so) shows the importance of large field-of-view.